lunedì 3 ottobre 2016


He will spend hundreds of years traveling the world, learning all there is to know.
He will learn every language.
He will read every book.
He will know every land.
He will spend thousand of years creating stunning works of art.
He will learn to meditate to control all pain.
As wars will be fought and great loves found...
...and lost...and found.
Lost...and found.
And found.
And found.
And memories built upon memories until life runs on an endless loop.
He will father hundreds of thousands of children whose own exponential offspring he'll slowly lose track of through the years, whose millions of beautiful lives will all eventually be swept again from the earth.
And still, Bill will continue.
He will learn more about life than any being in history, but death will forever be a stranger to him.
People will come and go until names lose all meaning, until people lose all meaning and vanish entirely from the world.
And still, Bill will live on.
He will befriend the next inhabitants of the earth, beings of light who revere him as a god.
And Bill will outlive them all...
...for millions and millions of years...
...exploring, learning, living, until the earth is swallowed beneath his feet.
Until the sun is long since gone.
Until time loses all meaning and the moment comes that he knows only the positions of the stars and sees them whether his eyes are closed or open.
Until he forgets his name and the place where he'd once come from.
He lives and he lives until all of the lights go out.

martedì 20 settembre 2016

Cose che buongiorno gastrite

Panariello nelle pubblicità della Wind
La metro B
Le macchine parcheggiate nello stesso posto da mesi
La gente che corre il tempo necessario per mettersi davanti a te e poi fa piano
La domenica pomeriggio
La domenica mattina
La pioggia a Roma
Le cuffiette che ne funziona solo una
Le biglietterie
La gente che ti saluta solo se ti viene a sbattere
Gli amici che si vabbè, ma
Le polemiche sul calcio
I Social Network
La gente che ti fissa
La gente che non gliela fa mai
La gente
La gastrite
L'anima de li mortacci del non farcela mai
Il non capirci un cazzo delle persone
Le persone di cui ti rendi conto non ci hai mai capito un cazzo
Le persone

- molte righe di blasfemia sono state oscurate per la buona pace del karma -

sabato 3 settembre 2016

Doesn't mean you can't fail.

 - Look, Jimmy, if you're that freaked out, we can just unsay it, okay? Poof! Unsaid.
- I'm not gonna start pretending. I might as well start pretending there's a person who lives in the clouds who cares whether we survive cancer or not.
We are strangers, Gretchen.
- Bullshit. We know each other.
- Well, not really. We live together, we trust, blindly. But it's based on what?
It's actual madness, willingly living with a wild animal but one with thumbs who can steal your money and hurt you emotionally.
- So what changed? Why are you suddenly so freaked out now?
- What? I don't like that. Stop doing that!
- That's why you've been asking me questions all day? You never cared enough to ask before. Sam was right. You are showing me, not telling me.
- Listen, those words... they're like a-a verbal contract. They're a promise. And I am not ready to make that promise.
- If "I love you" is like a promise, it's just a promise to, like, try real hard. Doesn't mean you can't fail.
- It doesn't?
- Have you met me? The only way I can stomach any of this is knowing I can just bail at any time.
- We can just... bail?
- Yeah. I always have one foot out the door. With everything. Especially with us.
- So you might just suddenly bounce?
- Any minute.
- I love you.
- Jimmy.
- Come here.

giovedì 17 marzo 2016

Mezzo a metà

Ve ne hanno mai parlato di quanto è triste il giovedì?


Non c'entra niente.

Qualcuno ha chiesto se un giorno sarà diverso.

Diverso il giovedì?

Non può essere tutto qui. Non può essere tutto così.


Quanto è triste il giovedì.

Anche quando viene gli altri giorni.